Author, Publisher, Date, No. of pages |
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Table of Contents |
Review |
Systematic Slide Rule Technique Allan, R. G., Sir Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd., London, 1962, 126 pp. |
Using The Slide Rule in Electronic Technology (pb) Alvarez, Charles, John F. Rider, Publisher, New York, 3rd Printing, 1962, 109 pp. |
The Slide Rule, Principles and Applications Arnold, J. N., Prentice-Hall, New York, 1954, 206 pp. |
Slide Rule Problems and Solutions (pb) Arnold, J. N., Balt Publishers, West Lafayette, IN, 1962, 77 pp. |
An Easy Introduction to the Slide Rule (pb) Asimov, Isaac, Fawcett Premier, Greenwich Conn., 1965, 160 pp. |
The Slide Rule and Its Use in Problem Solving (pb) Beakley, George C., and Leach, H. W., McMillan, 1969, 184 pp. |
Slide Rule How To Use It (pb) Bishop, Calvin C., Barnes & Noble 1947, 3rd Edition 1955, 152 pp. |
Practical Use of the Slide Rule (pb) Bishop, Calvin C., Barnes & Noble College Outline Series, 1947, 147 pp. |
Introducing the Slide Rule (pb) Black, B.D., & McCord, Mary, Laboratory Specialties, Inc., Wabash, IN, 1943, (revised ed.), 32 pp. |
The Slide Rule As An Aid In Calculations Blaine, Robert Gordon, F. & F. N. Spon, Ltd., London, 6th Edition, 1947, 152 pp. |
The Slide Rule As An Aid In Calculations Blaine, Robert Gordon, ed. By A. T. J. Kersey, F. & F. N. Spon, Ltd., London, 7th Edition, Revised, 1952, 124 pp. |
The Slide Rule Simplified, A Nonmathematical Text Blandi, Thomas H., Book Division of The Slide Rule Training Institute, Los Angeles, 3rd Edition, revised, 1943, 138 pp. |
The Slide Rule (pb) Breslich, Ernst R., and Stone, Charles, A., University of Chicago Press, 1929, 4th impression 1942, 35 pp. |
Beginners' Slide Rule Manual (pb) Brown, Otto G., & Rylander, H. Grady, University of Texas Publications, Austin, 1964, 54 pp. |
Newnes' Slide Rule Manual Camm, F. J., George Newnes Limited, London 1944, 7th ed. 1966, 112 pp. |
Slide Rule in Electronics (pb) Carper, Don, Howard W. Sams Co., 1st Ed., !st Printing, 1967, 160 pp. |
Solution of Railroad Problems by the Slide Rule Cary, E. R., D. Van Nostrand Co., New York, 1913, 136 pp. |
The Slide Rule - An Elementary Treatise Clark, J. J., Technical Supply Company, 1st Edition, 1909, 62 pp. |
The Slide Rule and Logarithms Including a Ten-place Table of Logarithms Clark, J. J. , Frederick Drake & Co, 1957, 222 pp. |
Delights of the Slide Rule Clason, Clyde B., Thomas Crowell Co., New York, 1964, 246 pp |
Slide Rule Calculations Cooper, H. O., Oxford University Press, 1931, 132 pp. |
The Use of the Slide Rule Cullimore, Allan R., Keuffel & Esser Co., New York, 2nd Edition, 1920, 38 pp. |
Nomography and Empirical Equations Davis, Dale S., Reinhold Publishing, 1962, 261 pp. |
The Slide Rule in Everyday Use (pb) Dobson, Alan B., Blundell Harling Ltd., 3rd Impression, 1973, 87 pp. |
Manual for the Slide Rule (pb) Drooyan, William and Wooten, William, Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1969, 134 pp |
Understanding and Using the Slide Rule (pb) Electronic Teaching Laboratories, Howard W. Sams, Pub., 1963, 96 pp. |
The Theory and Operation of the Slide Rule (pb) Ellis, John P., Dover Publications, 1961, 1st Ed., 289 pp. |
The Slide Rule (pb) Erickson, H. T., Bruce Publishing Company, Milwaukee, WI, 1924, 32 pp. |
The Slide Rule Fogel, Charles M., International Correspondence School, 1967, 74 pp. |
How To Use the Slide Rule (pb) Forum House Publishing Company, Toronto, CA, 1968, 100 pp. |
Engineers Slide Rule (pb) French, Robert W., John S. Swift Co., 1941, 100 pp. |
Der Rechenschieber Fricke, Hans W., Fachbuchverlag, Leipzig, 1955, 183 pp. |
Working With a Slide Rule, A Programmed Learning Text Geerts, W. (trans. by C. Van Walraven), Brandon/Systems Press, Princeton, NJ, 1969, 39 pp. |
Electronics and Your Slide Rule, Parts 1-4 (pb) Geiger, Darrell L., Cleveland Institute of Electronics, 3rd Edition, 2nd Revised Printing, 1965, Part I-29 pp, Part II-58 pp, Part III-88 pp, Part IV-128 pp |
Fundamentals of the Slide Rule (pb) Georges, Joel S., Wright College Bookstore Publications, 1947, 45 pp. |
Understanding the Slide Rule (pb) Graesser, R. F., Littlefield, Adams, & Co., Totowa, NJ, 1968, 141 pp. |
The Use Of the Slide Rule Halsey, F. A., D. Van Nostrand Company, New York, 1903, 3rd Edition, Corrected, 84 pp. |
Slide Rule Simplified Harris, Charles O., American Technical Society 1943, 14th printing, 1959, 258 pp |
Slide Rule Simplified (pb) Harris, Charles O., Am. Tech. Soc. 1943 (for U.S. AFI), 2nd Ed, 22nd printing 1963, 278 pp. |
How to Use a Slide Rule (pb) Heinke, Clarence H., Merritt Printing Co., Columbus, OH, 3rd Impression, 1958, 91 pp |
Logarithms and Slide Rule Work (pb) Hill, T. H. Ward, Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd, London, 1944, 32 pp. |
Course in the Slide Rule and Logarithms (pb) Hills, E. Justin, Ginn & Company, Revised, 1950, 108 pp. |
The Slide Rule and How To Use It Hoare, Charles, The Technical Press Ltd, London, 1953, 22nd printing, 104 pp. |
Understanding the Slide Rule (pb) Hocking, A. J., Coles Publishing Company Ltd., 1974, 114 pp. |
The Slide Rule - An Audio Tutorial Program (pb, and missing the audio tapes) Hoffman, Larry, and Ellis, Harold, Bell & Howell Co., Ohio, 1973, 241 pp. |
Slide Rules of the Arithmeum Holland, Peter, et al., Die Deutsche Bibliothek, Berlin, 2014, 243 pp. |
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Slide Rules Their History, Models, and Makers (pb) Hopp, Peter M., Astragal Press, Mendham, New Jersey, 1999, 310 pp. |
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Pocket-Watch Slide Rules (pb) Hopp, Peter M., Astragal Press, Mendham, New Jersey, 2011, 167 pp. |
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The Oughtred Slide Rule Reference Manual (pb) Hume, Ted & Koppany, Bob, The Oughtred Society, Roseville, CA, 2nd Ed., 2010, 102 pp. |
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Rigla de Calcul (The Slide Rule, a Romanian language pb) Irimescu, I., Editura Tehnica, Bucharest, 1978, 112 pp. |
Slide Rules, A Journey Through Three Centuries (pb) von Jezierski, Dieter, Astragal Press, Mendham, New Jersey, 2000, 126 pp. |
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Slide Rule, A Textbook for Classroom and Self Instruction (pb) Johnston, C. L., Wm. C. Brown Company, Dubuque, IA, 1953, 4th Printing 1970, 128 pp. |
The Slide Rule Johnson, Lee H., Van Nostrand Company, New York, 1949, 4th Printing 1955, 242 pp. |
Nomography and Empirical Equations Johnson, Lee. H., John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1952, 150 pp. |
The Slide Rule (pb) Leach, H. W. & Beakley, George C., The MacMillan Company, New York, 1953, 44 pp. |
The Slide Rule and Technical Problem Solving` (pb) Leach, H. W. & Beakley, George C., The MacMillan Company, New York, 1963, 3rd Printing 1966, 130 pp. |
A Manual for the Slide Rule (pb) Machovina, Paul E., McGraw Hill Book Company, New York, 1950, 78 pp. |
Simplifying the Slide Rule (pb) Marks, Robert W., Bantam Unifact Books (Grosset & Dunlap), New York, 1964, 139 pp. |
Calculation and Slide Rule McHale, Thomas, and Witzke, Paul, Milwaukee Area Technical College, repr. by Addison Wesley, 1971, 618pp. |
How Do You Use a Slide Rule? (pb) Merrill, Arthur A., Dover Publications, New York, 3rd Printing, 1961, 35 pp. |
Slide Rule Fundamentals (pb) Messer, Sidney, Polaris Publishing Company, Sausalito, CA, 2nd Printing, 1959, 42pp. |
Streamlined Methods of Computing with Slide Rule and Mathematical Tables (pb) Mitchell, Donald, Craftsman Press, Seattle, 1944, 32pp. |
Basic Slide Rule Operation, A Program for Self-Instruction (pb) Mittelstadt, W. S., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 1964, 161 pp |
Basic Slide Rule Operation, A Program for Self-Instruction (pb) Mittelstadt, W. S., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., 2nd Edition, 1971, 235 pp |
The Slide Rule (a Russian language pb) Panov, Dimitri U., Physical & Mathematical Publishing House, Moscow, 22nd ed., 1975, 166 pp. |
The Slide Rule Handbook Perrine, J. O., Baywood Publishing Co. Inc., 1965, 108 pp. |
The Slide Rule, A Practical Manual Pickworth, Charles N., Pitman & Sons, Ltd., London, 19th ed., 1930, 134 pp. |
The Slide Rule, A Practical Manual Pickworth, Charles N., Pitman & Sons, Ltd., London, 24th ed., 1950, 126 pp. |
The Slide Rule for Sea and Air Navigation Podmore, J. C., Brown, Son, and Ferguson, Ltd., Glasgow, 2nd Edition, 1957, 131 pp. |
Simplified Mathematics for Daily Use and How to Use the Slide Rule Rappolt, Frank A., Doubleday, 1943, 300 pp. |
The Slide Rule in Theory and Practice Rawlings, G. P., Percival Marshall & Co. Ltd, London, 1950, 127 pp. |
The Slide Rule Simplified (pb) Richardson, G. W. , & Clarke, J. J., Technical Supply Co, Scranton, PA, 7th Edition, 1918, 100 pp. |
The Slide Rule, with Electronic Applications (pb) Riggenbach, Frank, The Technical Education Press, Seal Beach, CA, 1970, 114 pp. |
The Complete Book of Slide Rule Use (pb) Ritow, Ira, Doubleday & Co, 1963, 200 pp. |
A Programmed Sequence for the Slide Rule (pb) Roberts, Eugene, W. H. Freeman & Company, 1962, 64 pp. |
The Construction and Use of the Slide Rule (pb) Rood, Paul, Edwards Brothers Inc, Lithoprinters, Ann Arbor, MI, 1947, 94 pp. |
How To Use a Slide Rule (pb) Sackheim, George, Harper & Row, 1964, 83pp |
The Slide Rule TutorText Saffold, Robert & Smalley, Ann, Doubleday & Co., New York, 1962, 468 pp. |
The Slide Rule - A Self Instructional Programmed Manual (pb) Saxon, James A.; Englander, Herman S., Prentice-Hall Inc., 1966, 196 pp. |
Slide Rule for the Mariner (pb) Schufeldt, H. H., Naval Institute Press, New York, 1972, 192 pp. |
Calculating on Slide Rule and Disc (pb) Schuitema, Izebrand; Van Herwijnen, Herman, Astragal Press, Mendham, New Jersey, 2002, 156 pp. |
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Elementary Slide Rule (pb) Semner, A. J., Hawthorne Club Evening School, Cicero, IL, 1948, 40 pp. |
The Slide Rule Applied to Commercial Calculations Shireby, R. M., Isaac Pitman & Sons, London, 1922, 66 pp. |
Slide Rule Manual (pb) Simm, Bruce Alexander, G. W. Green & Sos, Melbourne, AU, 194-?, 47pp. |
Simplify Math: Learn To Use the Slide Rule SkillFact Library 642, Editors & Engineers Ltd., New Augusta, IN, 1966, 96 pp. |
The Slide Rule A Complete Manual (pb) Slater, Alfred L., Rinehart Press, San Francisco, 1967, 291 pp. |
The Slide Rule Snodgrass, Burns, English University Press, 1st Edition, 1956, 207 pp. |
The Slide Rule and How to Use It Sommers, Drell, Wallschlaegar, Wilcox & Follett Co., 1943, 208 pp. |
Stanley's Slide Rule Instructions (pb) Stanley, W. & Company 1930-40s, 24 pp. | .
Slide Rule Practice 300 Fascinating Examples (pb) Stanley, W. & Company 1938, 32 pp | .
The Modern Slide Rule (pb) Stender, Richard & McKelvey, K. K., Cleaver-Hume Press Ltd., London, 3rd Edition, 1960, 120 pp. |
The Mathematics of Wireless, specifically, Chapter 19, pp. 213-221, The Slide Rule Stranger, Ralph, George Newnes Pub., 1947, 232 pp. |
The Slide Rule Strohm, Rufus & Degroot, Archibald, International Textbook Company, Scranton, PA, 1948, 92 pp. |
Slide Rule Operations (pb) Sudborough, Dana & Zeoli, Harold, J. W. Edwards, Pub., Ann Arbor, MI, 1953, Rev. 1954, Reprinted 1955, 76 pp. |
A Manual of the Slide Rule, It's History, Principle, and Operation, Thompson, J. E., Van Nostrand Company, New York, 1930, reprinted 1942, 220 pp. |
A Manual of the Slide Rule, It's History, Principle, and Operation, Thompson, J. E., Van Nostrand Company, New York, 1930, 2nd Ed. reprinted 1956, 216 pp. |
Pocketbook of the Gauge Marks (pb) Venetsianos, Panagiotis, The Oughtred Society, Roseville, CA, 2011, 147 pp. |
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College Joe on the Slide Rule: A Compendium for Engineers (pb) Wade, F.H., Greenwoods Book Store, Chicago, IL, 1953, 22 pp. |
The Slide Rule, for Students of Science & Engineering Ward, T. G. C., & Blakey, B. G., The English Universities Press, 1961, 116 pp. |
Engineering Slide Rule Manual (pb) Wilson, T. N., El Camino College, Torrance, CA 1959, 110 pp. |
The Slide Rule (pb) Young, Warren C., Niederkorn, Donald N., USAFI, Madison, WI, 1962, 91 pp. |
A Complete Slide Rule Manual Young, Neville W., David & Charles Pubs., Newton Abbott, UK, 1st Edition, 1973, 152 pp. |
A Basic Slide Rule Manual (pb) Young, Neville W., West Publishing Corporation PTY Ltd., Sydney, 1973, 86 pp. |