Steve's Slide Rules

Specialty Slide Rule Listing alternative format

last update 1-29-25

These are the 'specialty' rules I currently have, divided into several arbitrary categories. If anyone can suggest a better system of categories, I would certainly be open to that discussion. And, of course, I realize that a lot of these 'rules' aren't actually 'slide rules' (they don't have a minimum of a C/D scale combination that would allow them to do elementary multiplication or division); they are nomographs of varying complexity. The rules listed on this page are also included in the main listing of all the rules.

Chemistry & Chemical Engineering        Radio, Electronics, & Electrical
HVAC & Fuel Combustion    Spring Design
Hydraulics & Fluid Flow    Pneumatics & Fluid Flow
Machining, Milling, & Mensuration    Surveying/Photogrammetry
Math, Statistics, & Business    Valve & Pipe Sizing
Military & Navigation    Wt, Vol, or Amt of Materials
Radiation & Photo    Strength of Materials

Chemistry & Chemical Engineering
Aristo 630 Chemie, System Dr. Buckle
Aristo 930 Textile Rule System Beck
Aristo 10127 Bosig Compressor Rule
Aristo 90125 Acetylene Slide Rule
Faber Castell Verlag Chemie
Faber Castell 8/168 Mobil Viscosity Slide Rule
Faber Castell 57/74 Textile Slide Rule, System Schirdewan
F. C. Farmar's Standard Slide Rule for the Entire Wine & Spirit Trade, Desk Size
Flying Fish 1017 Chemical Engineering
Flying Fish Rubber Slide Rule - Shanghai Rubber Institute
Graphic Calculator Co pH Calculator
Graphic Calculator Co Chemical Predictor
Graphic Calculator Co Water Treatent Calculator
Graphoplex Calcrude Oil Viscosity Slide Rule
Donald Hedberg Chemical Predictor
Hemmi 257 Chemical Engineering
Hemmi 257L Expert Chemical Engineer
Hemmi 405 Chemical Slide Rule for Portland Cement
Instrumentation Laboratories Inc. Blood Acid/Base Calculator
K&E 4160 Chemist's Rule
K&E 4160 Chemist's Rule, Ex. 2
Lawrence Molecular Ratio Slide Rule (for Portland Cement calculations?)
Loftus Alcohol Proofing Double Slide Rule
Magnameta International Petroleum Tonnage Calculator
Marcantoni 25 CH Chemistry
Meissner KG Viscorule
Meissner KG Galvanotechnik
Francis T. Miles Heat of Vaporization Indices Nomograph
Nestler 33 Chemiker
Nestler 0320 Oilrule by Dr. Schmeling
Nestler 0330 Chemiker
Pickett N808-T Standard Marine Fuels
Post 1491 Chem Rule
Russian Circular Slide Chart: Periodic Table Data
Slyd-Rul Elemental Slide Chart
Somar Laboratories Spectro-Rule for X-Ray Spectroscopy
Thornton K285 198Hg Wavelength Shifts look-up tool
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HVAC & Fuel Combustion
Aristo 80102 Mobil Fuel Combustion Slide Rule 5"
Aristo 80107 Exhaust Gas Slide Rule
B.T.U. Rule Co. B.T.U. Rule for Estimating Steam and Water Radiation
BRL Met. Office Mk IV Humidity Slide Rule, Met. Ref. No. 1468
BRL Met. Office M2260 Mk VI Humidity Slide Rule, Met. Ref. No. 22000
BRL Humidity Slide Rule Mk. 6A - Celsius
Climatemaker 1940 Heat Loss Calculating Rule
Datalizer Loren Cook Duct Designer and Fan Law Calculator
Flying Fish Humidity Slide Rule
Flying Fish 1016 Ventilation Duct
Graphic Calculator Co Boiler Efficiency and BTU Cost Calculator
Graphoplex Stack Loss Pocket Rule
Graphoplex Pressure Drop in Gas Lines
Haenni Humidity-Temperature Calculator
Hemmi P141 Air Conditioning Duct Calculations 5"
IWA 0432 Building Heat Requirements Slide Rule (according to DIN 4701)
IWA 0768 A/C Duct Calculation Slide Rule
IWA 0778 Herion Hydraulic-Pneumatic Slide Rule
IWA 0594 Psychrometer and Humidity Slide Rule
K&E 4175 Psychrometric Slide Rule
Mear Ducting Calculator for Heating, Ventilation, Pneumatic Handling, etc.
Mear Domestic Central Heating Calculator
Mear Industrial Central Heating Calculator
Perrygraf Payne Residential Heating & Cooling Load Calculator
Tapalow Heat-O-Meter/Radiometer Slide Rule
Thornton? Clementson Steam Pipe Sizing Rule
U.G.I. Contracting Company U.G.I.Gas Heating Value Computer
VEB Mantissa Feutron Klima 1802 Humidity/Moisture Content Calculations
VEB Mantissa Feutron Klima 1802 Humidity/Moisture Content Calculations, Example 2
VEB Mantissa Freiberg Fuel Institute Methane Combustion Rule
Westinghouse SA-7063 Steam Condenser Calculator
Xylem Bell & Gossett System Syzer Hydronics Calculator
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Hydraulics & Fluid Flow
My distinction between 'hydraulic' and 'pneumatic' rules is arbitrary and I'm sure, sometimes wrong.
Also, some rules were designed to serve both fields. I have placed those in the 'Pneumatics' section.
Please let me know about corrections or changes I should make to avoid confusing people. Thanks.
American Slide-Chart Corp. Hydraulic Slide Rule
Aristo 918 Sewer Slide Rule, system Vicari
Aristo 10072 Hazen-Williams Hydraulic Slide Rule
Aristo 90126 Hydraulic Pressure Loss Slide Rule
Aristo 90193 Bopp & Reuther Venturi Slide Rule
BRL P1365 Flow of Water in Pipes
BRL Academy Series 306 Tarrant Hydraulic Slide Rule
BRL Janus Series HF55 Tarrant Hydraulic Slide Rule
BRL P1943 Hydraulic Slide Rule for Weirs, Notches, and Orifices
BRL P1415 Water Flow in Pipes, Hazen-Williams Formula; for Stanton and Staveley Limited
BRL P4843 Lummus Hydraulic Slide Rule
BRL P3259 Wavin Pipe Friction Computer
C. T. Cooper & Sons, Baines No. 1 Slide Rule for Flamants Formula for Water Velocity in Cast Iron Pipes
Datalizer Cast Iron Pipe Research Association Pipe Network & Friction Loss Calculator
EasyR Hydraulic Slide Rule
Fearns Tank Capacity Calculator
B. F. Grizzle Water Line Capacity Slide Rule
Grizzle Orifice Meter Calculating Rule
Hemmi Hydraulic Slide Rule
KLPZ Hydraulics Calculations
M. W. Kellogg Hydraulic Slide Rule
Lawrence Eng. B. F. Grizzle Water Line Capacity Slide Rule
LFAI Metro Irrigation
Coleman J. Major Liquid Flow Slide Rule
Mear Steam Flow Calculator for Flow at Pressure or Vacuum
Mear Water Flow Calculator for Pipes, Ducts, Sewers, and Open Channels
Mear Water Flow Calculator for Bitumen Lined Streel Pipes
Mear Streamline Flow Calculator for Viscous Liquids
Perrygraf ARMCO Sewer Pipe Calculator
Perrygraf Concrete Pipe Assoc. of MI Hydraulic Slide Rule for Sewer Design
Perrygraf C.I.P.R.A. Pipe Network/Friction Loss Slide Calculator
Perrygraf Feild's Hydraulic Calculator, based on Manning formula
Perrygraf C.I.P.R.A. Loss of Head Slide Rule
Perrygraf(?) Irving Goldfein Sewer Design Slide Rule
Pickett 7-T Pipe Flows, Service Pipeline Company
Pickett N7-T Pipe Flows, Service Pipeline Company
Pickett Model 8 McGann Industries Variable Density Flow Computer
Pickett Model 9 Texas Eastern Transmission Corporation
Pickett N15-T Georgia Iron Works Hydraulic Slide Rule
Pickett 575 M W Kellogg Hydraulic Slide Rule
Pickett N610-ES Log Log Speed Rule, Hydraulic Variant, American Pipe & Construction Co., 5"
Pickett N906-T National Fire Sprinkler Corp. Hydraulic Rule
Shanghai Open Channel Hydraulic Slide Rule
Spitzglass Flow Calculator
Staniland Pipeline Slide Rule
W. A. Thomas Universal Hydraulic Sliderule
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Pneumatics & Fluid Flow
My distinction between 'hydraulic' and 'pneumatic' rules is arbitrary and I'm sure, sometimes wrong.
Also, some rules were designed to serve both fields. I have placed those in the 'Pneumatics' section.
Please let me know about corrections or changes I should make to avoid confusing people. Thanks.
American Gas Journal Low Pressure Gas Flow Computer
American Gas Journal High Pressure Gas Flow Computer
Aristo 90172 Slide Rule for Pipeline Calculations
Aristo 90186 Calculation of Gas and Steam Flows
Hutchison Pipeline Flow Calculator, Gas, Air, Oil, and Water
Hutchison Pipeline Flow Calculator No. 2; Gas and Air Flows in Smooth Pipe
Lawrence Eng. Grizzle Gas Pipe Line Slide Rule
Logarex 27730 Gas Pipeline Slide Rule
Mear Gas Flow Calculator for Cast Iron & Steel Pipes, Model GM4 - Metric
Mear Gas Flow Calculator for Cast Iron & Steel Pipes, Model G4 - Imperial
Mear Gas Flow Calculator for Plastic Pipes
Mear Pipe Flow Calculator for Liquids and Gases (Turbulent Flow)
Puregas Cable Pressurization Computer PEC 531
Perrygraf Sterer Hydraulic-Pneumatic Pressure Drop Calculator
Pickett Model 1080-T (35350 Pocket Calculator for Orifice Meters, The Refinery Supply Company)
Pickett SO-1000 The Refinery Supply Company (aka Pickett 1080-T)
Sillcocks Miller RHM Fluid Power Calculator
Willsonn Sonney Orifice Computer
Willsonn Pipeline Computer
Yokogama Electric Works Gas Slide Rule
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Machining, Milling, & Mensuration
Dietzgen 1751 Maniphase Multiplex Industrial Type
KLPZ 5161-57 r. 1962 Dual Slide
Faber Castell 1/48 Maschinenzeit
Faber Castell 111/48 Maschinenzeit
Flying Fish Milling Machine Calculations
Fuji 1201 Yamayo Tape Measure Correction Slide Rule
Lawrence 10-G Cutting Speed Calculator
Logarex 4542-27404 (for machining calculations
Nestler 0260 Mecanica
Unique Slide Rule for Tube Making and Deep Drawing
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Math, Statistics, & Business
American Oil Company Discounted Cash Flow Slide Rule
Aristo 965 Commerz II
Aristo 100101 IBM Manpower Calculator
Aristo (Dennert & Pape) Quadrat QR 41
BRL Vector Slide Rule
Davis-Grinsted Complex Calculator Slide Rule
Dietzgen Needham's Trig-Easy Tools
Diwa 341 Businessman Elegant
Faber Castell 1/22/322 Disponent
Faber Castell 342 Columbus, System Rohrberg Commercial, Variant 2
Flying Fish I-J Function
Flying Fish Product Quality Management Slide Rule
General Dynamics Reliability Slide Rule
Gerber GA-103 GraphAnalogue
Gerber TP-007100B Variable Scale
Gerber TP-007200B Variable Scale
Graphoplex Pierre Gy Sampling Slide Rule
Gregg TAD True Position Tolerance Comparator
Guardian Multiphase Slde Rule for Checking Account Analysis
Hemmi P37 Sales Slide Rule
Hemmi P265 Business
Hemmi P402 Corporate Performance Analysis, Manufacturing Businesses
Hemmi P403 Corporate Performance Analysis, Wholesale & Retail Distributors
K&E 68 1400 Analon Science Analysis Rule
K&E N4096 Desk Slide Rule
Neal Feay CR-6 Cost Reduction Slide Rule
Norma Mercuria 190
North American Aviation Matrix Rule
Norton & Gregory Time/Rate Slide Rule
Novotni Time Slide Rule
Perrygraf Probability Slide Rule, for Measurement Analysis Corporation
Pickett Model 6 Statistical Quality Control (Magnesium)
Pickett Model 6-T Statistical Quality Control (Aluminum)
Pickett Model 21 Real Estate Costimator
Pickett 510-T Business and Finance Rule
Pickett N525-ES Statistics Rule
Ricoh 155 Business Management Rule
Sandia Corporation Cumulative Binomial Distribution Computer
Schacht & Westerich System Cuntz
Stanley Complex Number Slide Rule
Unique Commercial
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Military & Navigation
AML Mk IIIa Bygrave Position Line Slide Rule
American Blueprint Co., Inc. Military Slide Rule
Aristo (D&P=gwr) WWII Artillery Slide Rule
Aristo (Dennert & Pape) MHR1 Hohenrechenschieber
BRL Mark 4A Balloon Pilot Slide Rule
BRL N52 Janus Series Navigator's Dual Face Slide Rule
BRL N52 Janus Series Navigator's Dual Face Slide Rule, Ex 2.
J. B. Carroll Type MB-2A Navigation and True Air Speed Computer
Cox & Stevens E-604 Load Adjuster for the Consolidated B-24 and PB4Y-1 Liberator
Cox & Stevens E-624 Load Adjuster for the Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress
Cox & Stevens E-658 Load Adjuster for the Boeing B-25 Mitchell
Cox & Stevens E-719 Load Adjuster for the Boeing B-29 Superfortress
Cox & Stevens E-800 Load Adjuster for the Boeing B-29 Superfortress.
Cox & Stevens E-1000 Load Adjuster for the Convair B-36D Peacemaker
Cox & Stevens E-1050 Load Adjuster for the Boeing B-47E Stratojet
Cox & Stevens E-1092 Load Adjuster for the Boeing B-52C & D Stratorfortress
Cox & Stevens E-1147 Load Adjuster for the Lockheed C-130 Hercules
Cox & Stevens E-1113 Load Adjuster for the Sikorsky HUS-1 Seahorse helicopter
James Farrow Pilot Balloon Slide Rule Mk I Slide Rule
Felsenthal C-130B Computer, Take-Off and Landing
Felsenthal US Army Air Forces True Airspeed Computer A.C. Type G-1
Felsenthal Bureau of Aeronautics US Navy Aircraft Navigational Computer Mk 8
Gamma Pocket Artillery Slide Rule
Graphic Calculator Co Boeing 727 Weight and Balance Calculator
Hungarian Military Radio Tuning Aid
Hungarian Military Pilot's Flight Rule
K&E Short Base Triangulation Slide Rule
Logarex 27601 Aviation Navigation Slide Rule LNP-56
Logarex 27601 Aviation Navigation Slide Rule LNP-56, Example 2
Perrygraf Pratt & Whitney Gas Turbine Computer
Pickett Model 14 Military Slide Rule
Pickett 50-1 Gregor Lag Displacement Computer
Pickett Model 100 Douglas Sky Rule
Pickett N540-T Pratt & Whitney Aircraft
Russian Pilot's Flight Slide Rule
Sanderson SC-3B Flight Computer
SeeGee Solutions, Center of Gravity Calculator for Pilatus 12-45
Thornton 0552/1448 Speed-Time-Distance Nautical Slide Rule
U. S. Army Course and Distance Computer
U. S. Army Air Force Line of Sight Indicator C-544-2, Mitchell Field, NY U. S. Army Graphic Firing Table 155mm Howitzer
U. S. Army Graphic Firing Table 155mm Howitzer, M64 Charge System
U. S. Army Graphic Firing Table, 155mm Howitzer, Illuminating Projectile
U. S. Navy Nautical Slide Rule, Mark 1, Mod 0
U. S. Army Model M1 Slide Rule for Solution of Triangles
VEB Mantissa Artillery Slide Rule
VEB Mantissa Pilot's Slide Rule
Weil Military Slide Rule Model 1917
Wichmann Richtscheiber A WWII Artillery Rule
Japanese Brass Artillery Slide Rule
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Radiation & Photo
Abbot Brown Isotope Calculator, A.E.R.E. Harwell
Abbott Brown Isotope Handling Calculator No. 1, A.E.R.E. Harwell
Acu-Rule Arel G-W Photo Slide Rule
Aristo 10174 Radiation Protection Rule
BRL British Steel Castings Research Association Exposure Calculator for Gamma Radiation, Mk II
BRL Radiac Slide Rule for Nuclear Fission Products
BRL Radiac No. 1 Slide Rule for Radiation Exposure Calculations
BRL Radiac No. 1 Mk 2 Slide Rule for Radiation Exposure Calculations
Concise Mallinkrodt Radiological Tables and Circular Slide Rule
Fearns Babcock and Wilcox Reactirule 5"
General Electric Radiation Calculator Gen 15-C
Infrared Industries, Inc. Infrared Slide Rule
IWA 02114 Trilux Special LIghting Slide Rule
Lawrence Flashrule 6-0p
Nestler Total KG Foerstner Radiation Protection Slide Rule
Nuclear Chicago Nuclearule
Perrygraf Victoreen Health Physics Slide Rule
Perrygraf Electro-Optics Infrared Radiation Calculator
Perrygraf EG&G Judson Infrared Radiation Calculator
Perrygraf Giannini Controls Corporation Radiation Dose Guide
Pickett Model 17 Electro Optical Blackbody Radiation Slide Rule
Radium Chemical Company Radium Exposure Calculator 1948
Thornton F5100 Radiation Rule
UTO Radiographic Exposure Calculator
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Radio, Electronics, & Electrical
Arth-O-Graf TECOM Antenna Calculator
Concise 380 Radio Computer Circular Slide Rule
Boonshaft & Fuchs Direct Reading Frequency Response Slide Rule
BHL P4277 Nelson-Jones Circuit Designers Slide Rule
BRL P2361 Westechno Exmouth Westec Electronics Slide Rule
Blundell P3867 Voltage Drop Calculator
Bosch Cos-φ Calculator
Brown Boveri Motor Slide Rule
Bybee Voltage Drop Calculator for Distributed Impedance Loads
Emeloid Smith Chart - Radio Line Transmission Calculator
Fearns Power Factor Calculator and Slide Rule
FXR Smith Chart & Slide Rule
Graphoplex 698 Electronics Engineering
Hemmi 266 Electronics
Hemmi 154 Electronic (with two cursors) for Expert Electrical Engineers
Hemmi 256 Electronics
Hemmi 266 Electronics
Hemmi Denkishoin Electronics Engineering
Hutchison Pipeline Flow Calculator, Gas, Air, Oil, and Water
ITAB Siemens Kondensator Rechenstab
ITAB Antenna Attenuation Value Calculator
I.T.E. Circuit Breaker Co. Interrupting Capacity Calculator
IWA 0257 Slide Rule for Radio Technicians
IWA 51903 Electronics Slide Rule
K&E 4138 Morrison's Radio Engineer's Slide Rule
K&E National Union Radio Slide Rule
Lawrence 8-L Voltage Drop Calculator
Lawrence F. M. Coverage Calculator
Logarex 27729 Electrical
Nestler 0297 Electronic 1
Perrygraf Andrew Antenna & Propagation Computer
Perrygraf ARRL L/C/F Calculator & Coil Winding Calculator
Perrygraf Boonton Electronics Slide Rule for Reactance, Q, and Dissipation Factor
Perrygraf Boonton Electronics Resonance Slide Rule
Perrygraf Collins Radio Space Systems Calculator
Perrygraf KDI Pyrofilm Reflectometer Calculator
Perrygraf Mallory Slide Rule for Capacitor Functions
Perrygraf Shure Reactance Slide Rule
Perrygraf Westinghouse Power chek✓Up Calculator
Perrygraf Allied Parallel Resister Series Capacitor Calculator
Perrygraf Ohmite Parallel Resistance Calculator
Perrygraf PRD Electronics RF and Power Loss Calculator
Perrygraf TACO Parabolic Antenna Calculator
Pickett N-16-ES Electronic Dual Base Speed Rule
Pickett C18-T Collins Microwave Transmission
Pickett C19-T Collins Microwave Transmission
Pickett N515-T Electronic - Cleveland Institute of Electronics
Pickett N535-ES Electronics Technician
PIckett Model 1084 Resistance Design Slide Rule
PIckett Model 1084 Resistance Design Slide Rule, Example 2
Post 1490 Control Engineer's Rule for Freq. Resp. Calculations
Relay DE-1008 Expert Electronic Engineer
Ricoh 156 (Electronics type)
SIC 1580 Electro Vector Log Log Decatrig (Electrical & Electronic Engineering)
Sillcocks Miller AT&T Guy Rule
Tektronix Circuit Computer
Whitehead & Hoag Simplex Wiring Computer
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Spring Design
Acu-Rule Spring Design Slide Rule for Connecticut Spring Company
Acu-Rule Spring Design Slide Rule for Mid-Continent Spring Co.
Allegheny Plastics Inc., Illinois Coil Spring Company Slide Rule
Aristo Federfix 920 Computational Device for Cylindrical Spring Calculations
AWF 705 Change in Spring Length Calculator
J. B. Carroll Spring Design Slide Rule for Associated Spring Corporation
Hemmi 401 Coiled Spring Slide Rule
K&E Associated Spring Corp. Belleville Spring Washer Computer
Mear Helical Spring Calculator
Pickett 1025-T Associated Spring Corporation
PIckett N1072-ES Spring Design Slide Rule for Connecticut Spring Co.
PIckett N1090-ES Connor Spring Slide Rule
Precision Scale Inc. Spring Design Rule for Spring Engineers Inc.
Ratcliffe Spring Calculating Slide Rule
Tianjin 6513 Spring Design Slide Rule
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Strength of Materials
Aristo 939/n=10 Stahlbeton Reinforced Concrete
Aristo 939/n=15 Stahlbeton Reinforced Concrete
Aristo 10132 Steel Mesh Reinforced Concrete Calculations (Baustahlgewebe-Lagermatten)
Aristo 40140 Steel Mesh Reinforced Concrete Calculations (Baustahlgewebe-Listenmatten)
Aristo 80100 Steel Mesh Reinforced Concrete Calculations (Baustahlgewebe-Lagermatten) 5"
Aristo 90184 Steel Mesh Reinforced Concrete Calculations (Baustahlgewebe-Dusseldorf)
BRL Alexander Slide Rule for Pipe Weights and Strengths
Faber Castell 2/31 Stahlbeton
Graphic Calculator Co Stephenson-Pfahl Hardenability Slide Rule
Graphoplex 680 Reinforced Concrete Calculations
Nestler Star Slide Rule and Reference Tables
UGK Rule for Reinforced Concrete Calculations
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Aristo 956 Bildflug Photogrammetry Slide Rule
Aristo 958 Geodat (360°)
Aristo 0958 Geodat (400g)
Aristo 10065 System Gruter-Peru
Aristo (Dennert & Pape) Zeiss Aerotopograph Jena
BRL P.G. 54 Photogrammetry Slide Rule
Concise Stadia Slide Rule
Faber Castell 1/38 Tachymeter
Faber Castell 111/38 Tachymeter 400g
Flying Fish 1005 Stadia Rule
Gurley Cox Stadia Computer
K&E 4100 Stadia Rule
K&E N4100 Stadia Rule
K&E N4101 Stadia Rule 20"
K&E N4102 Surveyor's Duplex
K&E 4143 Kissam Stadia Rule
Lietz Stadia Computer No. Lietz 3626-25
Loga Topo 6400 A o/oo Stadia Circular Rule
Nestler 0281 Geometer 400°
PIckett 520-T Air Force Aerial Photo Rule Type A-1
Precision Scale Inc. Air Force Aerial Photo Rule Type A-1
SIDA Earth Parameters Measurement Slide Rule
Union Insrument Co No. 2050 Air Force Aerial Photo Rule Type A-1
Union Instrument Corporation Photo Interpretation Kit - Pocket Type
W&G 454 Dualface Artillery & Survey Model
W&G 476 Dualface Trigonometrical
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Valve and Pipe Sizing
Blundell Blakeborough Valve Sizing Rule
BRL P1454/2 Mk II Slide Rule for Calculation of Diameters of Orifice Plates With Corner Taps
Blundell Harling FC 3540 Fisher Controls Universal Valve Sizing Rule
BRL P3486 Farris GEC-Elliott Safety Relief Valve Sizing Rule
Cox & Stevens Foxboro Flow Rule
Foxboro Valve and Meter Calculator
Foxboro Valve and Meter Calculator, Example 2
Hemmi Foxboro Flow and Valve Rule
Hemmi Foxboro Flow and Valve Rule, Ex. 2
IWA 05136 Fisher Governor Company Control Valve Sizing Rule Mark VIE
IWA 0628 Control Valve Calculations Slide Rule
IWA 0658 Control Valve Calculations Slide Rule
Masoneilan Valve Slide Rule
Perrygraf Black, Sivalls & Bryson Control Valve Size Calculator
Pickett N-1041-G Fisher Universal Valve Sizing Rule
Pickett N-1041-GP Fisher Universal Valve Sizing Rule
Pickett Fisher Control Valve Sizing Rule
Ross Engineering Pipe Size Selector for Steam and Water
Sterling Foxboro Flow Rule
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Weight, Volume, or Amount of Materials
Bill-Mar No. 24 Concrete Calculator
BRL Paper Calculations Slide Rule
BRL P3188 Paper Calculations Slide Rule - Metric Units
Concise Bitumen Volume Calculator
Graphic Calculator Co Union Pacific Railroad Calc-U-Layer Slide Rule
Graphoplex Weight of Steel Pipes Slde Rule
Hornyak & Kelly Weight Slde Rule
Hornyak & Kelly Weight Slde Rule, Example 2
IWA RS 221 Slide Rule for Weight Determinations
K&E Brick-O-Meter
Novotni Flat Rolled Slide Rule
Novotni Flat Steel Weight Slide Rule
Novotni Weight Slide Rule
Novotni Weight Slide Rule, Example 2
Novotni Paper Box Board Rule
Warren-Knight Wakco Novotni Weight Rule No. 1373-B
Pickett 550-T Warren-Knight Weight Rule No. 1373-ET
Pickett 550-ES Warren-Knight Weight Rule No. 1373-C
H. R. Potter Raw Materials Calculator
Thomlinson Equivalent Paper Slide Scale
Unique Harfield Weight Calculator
VEB Mantissa 1731 178 Masse (for density/weight caculations)
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Aristo 80126 Special Slide Rule for the Optical Workshop 5"
Aristo 90103 Universal Slide Rule for Calculations Used in Wire Drawing Processes
BRL P1614 TEENI Soil Density Slide Rule - Clockhouse Engineering Ltd.
Aristo 10155 Soil Swell Pressure Slide Rule
BRL P2808 Ultrasonic Slide Rule
BRL P3065 Bedford Truck Body & Payload Weight Distribution Rule
BRL P4366 EMEFCO Ultrasonic Slide Rule, M. Falk & Company Ltd
DAYCO A-3375 DAYCOLOG II V-Belt Drive Fatigue Analyzer
Faber Castell 111/66 Demegraph, System Schirmer
Fearns Belt Conveyor Calculator
Fearns V-Belt Horsepower Calculator
Fearns Inertia Slide Rule
Flying Fish Ultrasonic Probe Slide Rule
Graphic Calculator Co Universal Soil Loss Erosion Calculator
Hemmi P267 Structural Design
IWA 06094 Atlas Copco Compressed Air Line Properties Slide Rule
Kahl Scientific Insts. Culbertson Oceanograpic Slide Rule
Mear Electrical Lighting Calculator
Musigraph 100 Composers' and Arrangers' Slide Rule
PIckett Model N-1050 Fuller Traffic Slide Rule
A. M. Gordon Propeller Properties Slide Rule
SIDA Vibration Measurement Slide Rule
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Locations visiting this site since 5-6-14

Steve K. Seale, Nashville TN, USA, 2025