- (3-13-24) Does anyone have a good idea who actually manufactured this Hungarian Military Pilot's Flight Rule? Its structure and design look very familiar and it seems I ought to be able to identify its manufacturer, but I can't quite place it.
- (10-6-23) The rule I had initially described as a Hemmi 44 remains a mystery. It is certainly not any variant of a Hemmi 44. Unfortunately, I do not yet see that it is terribly similar to any example provided in Paul Ross's excellent Hemmi Catalogue Raisonne. If anyone can provide any guidance, I would appreciate the help! Thanks!
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for "Fundamentals of the Slide Rule" , by Joel S. Georges, Wright College Booksore Publications, 1947, 45 pp.
- Re-arranged the 'Specialty Rules' section a little bit. (just the hard-coded HTML page; the Python-generated HTML page hasn't yet been changed to match the hard-coded one.
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for "Electronics and Your Slide Rule, Parts I-IV", by Geiger, Darrell L., Cleveland Institute of Electronics, 3rd Edition, 2nd Revised Printing, 1965, Part I-29 pp, Part II-58 pp, Part III-88 pp, Part IV-128 pp
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for "The Use of the Slide Rule", by Halsey, F. A., D. Van Nostrand Co. NY, 1903, 3rd Edition, Corrected, 84 pp.
- Added a Blundell Omega 407 Technico.
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for "The Slide Rule", by Young, Warren C., & Niederkorn, Donald N., USAFI, Madison, WI, 1962, 91 pp.
- Added cover image for "The Slide Rule Simplified", by Richardson, G. W. , and Clarke, J. J., Technical Supply Company, Scranton, PA, Seventh Edition, 1918., 100 pp.
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for "The Conatruction and Use of the Slde Rule", by Paul Rood, Edwards Brothers Inc, Lithoprinters, Ann Arbor, MI, 1947, 94 pp.
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for "How to Use a Slide Rule", by Heinke, Clarence H., Merritt Printing Co., Columbus, OH, 3rd Impression, 1958, 91 pp
- Began what will no doubt be an agonizingly slow and tedious process of adding a listing of gauge marks to each slide rule description page. This is going to take forever. I wish I had just done it as I initially added the pages one by one.
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for "Engineering Slide Rule Manual", Wilson, T. N., El Camino Cillege, Torrance, CA 1959, 110 pp.
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for "Logarithms and Slide Rule Work, Hill, T. H. Ward, Isaac Pitman & Sons Ltd, London, 1944, 32 pp.
- Added cover image for "Stanley's Slide Rule Instructions", Stanley, W. & Company 1930-40s, 24 pp.
- Added a Blundell Harling 805 Electro. This rule is missing its cursor, so it's not a completely useful rule, but I couldn't find any other picture of a BRL 805 on the web, so I added this one until a better one comes along.
- Added a W. H. Smith Log Log Trig, Example 2, with 'K' scale
- Added a Gerber GA-103 GraphAnalogue. I know this thing isn't a slide rule, but it is kind of cool and I wish I had had the use of one in graduate school.
- Replaced my poor translation of the Czech instructions printed on the back of the Logarex 27730 Gas Pipeline Slide Rule with an accurate version, provided by Zdenek Sustr, of Prague. Thanks very much Zdenek!
- Added a Faber Castell 1/22/322 Disponent.
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for "The Slide Rule - An Audio Tutorial Program", by Hoffman amd Ellis, Bell & Howell, 1973, 241 pp.
- Added cover image for "Streamlined Methods of Computing with Slide Rule and Mathematical Tables", by Mitchell, Craftsman Press, 1944, 32 pp.
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for "Calculation and Slide Rule", Thomas McHale, and Paul Witzke, Milwaukee Area Technical College, repr. By Addison Wesley, 1971, 618pp..
- Added a Graphoplex 692b Pocket Neperlog Duplex 5".
- Added a Union Instrument Co., No. 2050 Air Force Aerial Photo Rule Type A-1
- Added a Hemmi 130W Advanced Darmstadt
- Added a Nestler Total KG, Foerstner Radiation Protection Slide Rule.
- Wrote Python program to correct hundreds of spelling errors scattered across more than 500 html files. Haven't gotten to all the errors yet, but I'm working on it. If you see any such, please let me know. Massive apologies to those for whom English isn't a first language for (accidentally) leading them to believe that the word 'Materials" was spelled "Materals'. Sorry about that and other errors. In future, I will be much more careful in my use of file templates (and I'll use a spell checker).
- Added a Weber 42968 (same as Aristo 968).
- Added a K&E 68 1617 Mannheim Polyphase (a member in the 4053-series).
- Added a Uto 931U.
- Added a Pickett N540-T Pratt & Whitney Aircraft.
- Added a Blundell Luton Universal U.7.
- Added two more categories on the 'Specialty Rules' page (Spring Design and Weight of Materals).
- Added a (probably) VEB Mantissa of unknown purpose, probably something to do with solving specific types of triangular problems, angle of fire, surveying, etc.. If anyone can help me with this, I'd appreciate it.
- Added a Makeba Kombinator pencil slide rule.
- Added a Faber Castell 63/83 Castell Novo Biplex 5 (shorter version of 2/83).
- Added another version of a Hornyak & Kelley Weight Slide Rule
- Added a Datalizer; Ductile Iron Pipe Research Association's Pipe Network and Friction Loss Calculator.
- Added a Perrygraf; Concrete Pipe Association of Michigan, Inc., Hydraulic Slide Rule for the Design of Sewers.
- Added new pictures and some new data for the K&E 4012 Thacher, and the Stanley Fuller Model 2.
- Added an unknown (to me) Chinese(?) Brass Slide Rule. Have included expanded views of the Chinese(?) lettering on the scales. If anyone can help me identify this rule or explain to me what the scale lettering means, I'd really appreciate it!!
- Added a Perrygraf, Cast Iron Pipe Research Association's Pipe Network and Friction Loss Calculator.
- Added an Irving Goldfein Sewer Design Slide Rule (looks like a Perrygraf but isn't labeled as such).
- Added a Neal Feay CR-6 Cost Reduction Slide Rule.
- Added a Pickett 1025-T Associated Spring Corporation.
- Added a K&E 4081-3 Decitrig, Scale Set #5.
- Added a Pickett X-4 Executive.
- Added a Diwa 351 Darmstadt.
- Added a K&E N4096 Desk Slide Rule.
- Added an Aristo 914 Elektro.
- Added a Perrygraf Boonton Electronics Resonance Slide Rule.
- Added a Perrygraf Mallory Slide Rule for Capacitor Functions.
- Added an aluminum Reiss Darmstadt.
- Edited listing for a Reiss 3223 Progress.
- Added a Meissner KG Darmstadt.
- Added a K&E 4080-3 Log Log Duplex Trig, ser # 040646, with scale set #2.
- Added a K&E 68 1210 Log Log Duplex Decitrig, Ser # 380599, with scale set #6.
- Added a Cox & Stevens E-1113 Load Adjuster for the Sikorsky Seahorse helicopter.
- Changed listing for Revere Load Adjuster E-1147 for the C-130, to Cox & Stevens for the sake of consistency. Cox & Stevens was a division of Revere Corp. of America.
- Added Cover and Dust Jacket images and Table of Contents for Frank Rappolt's "Simplified Mathematics for Daily Use and How to Use a Slide Rule", Doubleday, 1943, 300 pp. The section on 'How to Use a Slide Rule' constitutes about 58 pages.
- Added an Aristo 966 Log Log.
- Added another version of an AcuMath 150.
- Added an Aristo 967U Darmstadt.
- Added an additional example of an Aristo 966H Log Log; this one with metal end braces.
- Added a Nestler 0218 Darmstadt.
- Added a Perrygraf ARRL L/C/F and Coil Windiing Calculator.
- Added a Faber Castell 111/98 Elektro.
- Added a Nestler 0129 5" Polymath Duplex.
- Added a Faber Castell 111/54 Darmstadt.
- Added a Nobema "Durer" 5914 Elektro.
- Added an IWA 0658 slide rule/chart for control valve calculations.
- Added a Hemmi 254WN "High School Student's".
- Added a Hemmi P262 Advanced Engineering (Rietz).
- Added a Hemmi P265 Business Duplex.
- Added a Hemmi 264.
- Added a Charvoz-Roos SR-108 Dual 10"/5" rule; essentially the same as the Post 1442 and Arthur Brown 7995A rules, but with metal end braces.
- Added another example of an Aristo 0970 Charvoz Multilog.
- Added an AcuMath 130 Log Log Decimal Trig (Magnesium) rule.
- Added a Hornyak and Kelly Weight Slide Rule.
- Added a Royal 1081 (Log Log Duplex) rule.
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for J. B. Arnold's "Slide Rule Problems and Solutions", Balt Publishers, 1962, 77 pp.
- Added a Perrygraf ARMCO Sewer Pipe Calculator.
- Added an AcuMath 150 Log Log Decimal Trig.
- Added a Pickett Model 1080-T (35350 Pocket Calculator for Orifice Meters, for The Refinery Supply Company)
- Added a Novotni Weight Slide Rule.
- Added a Ross Engineering Pipe Size Selector for Steam and Water.
- Added a UGK (Bulgarian) Slide Rule for Reinforced Concrete Calculations.
- Added a Perrygaf Cast Iron Pipe Research Association Loss of Head Slide Rule.
- Added an American Gas Journal Low Pressure Gas Flow Computer
- Added an American Gas Journal High Pressure Gas Flow Computer
- Added a Hutchison Pipeline Flow Calculator, for Gas, Air, Oil, and Water
- Added an ITAB Capacitor Calculator.
- Added three Perrygraf slide charts: an Allied Parallel Resistance and Series Capacitance Calculator, an Ohmite Parallel Resistance and Ohm's Law Calculator, and a Shure Reactance Slide Rule.
- Added another variant of the Logarex 27205 5" Exponent.
- Added an Aristo 10132 Reinforced Concrete Calculations (Baustahlgewebe-Lagermatten).
- Added an American Oil Company Discounted Cash Flow Slide Rule
- Added a Diwa 914 Log Log rule.
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for Mittelstadt's "Basic Slide Rule Operation, A Program for Self-Instruction", 2nd Edition, 1971.
- Replaced a Russian LFAI Open Duplex Log Log (LFAI 5161-57, r. 1970) with damaged cursor, with a Leningrad Open Duplex Log Log (5161-72, r. 1977), in C4 condition.
- Added a BRL P1415 Water Flow Calculator (Hazen-Williams Formula) for Stanton & Staveley Limited
- Added a Warren-Knight Novotni Weight Rule No. 1373-B.
- Added a Pickett 550-ES Warren-Knight Weight Rule No. 1373-C.
- Added a Perrygraf Boonton Electronics Slide Rule (Chart) for Reactance, Q, and Dissipation Factor
- Added a Pickett 535-ES Electronics Technician
- Added a K&E National Union Radio Slide Rule; used to find inductive or capacitative reactance at a given frequency, and resonant frequencies given values of inductance and capacitance.
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for "The Slide Rule Simplified, A Nonmathematical Text", by Thomas H. Blandi, Book Division of The Slide Rule Training Institute, Los Angeles, 3rd Edition, revised, 1943, 138 pp.
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for "The Use of the Slide Rule", by Allan R. Cullimore, Keuffel & Esser Co., New York, 2nd Edition, 1920, 38 pp.
- Added images of better example of the Staedtler Mars 944-28.
- Corrected my misstatement in the description of the Alvin 1151 that it was was a rebrand of the Relay/Ricoh 151. It is not.
- Added an Omega 151 (rebranded Relay/Ricoh 151).
- Added images of newer and cleaner example of the Nestler 0292.
- Added a Pickett N906-T National Fire Sprinkler Corp. Hydraulic Rule.
- Added a Post 1461 Versalog II 5".
- Added a Favor-Ruhl A-450 (like the A-400 but plastic stators and slide, not laminated.
- Added a Black, Sivalls & Bryson Control Valve Size Calculator slide chart by Perrygraf.
- Added an Aristo 870 Charvoz Multilog 5".
- Added images of newer and cleaner example of the Simplon Bilateral Log Log.
- Added a Dietzgen 1779 Pocket Log 5".
- Added images of newer and cleaner example of the Compass 1321 (Relay/Ricoh 150).
- Added a Marcantoni 25 CH Chemistry slide rule.
- Added a BRL Meterological Office Mk. IV Humidity Slide Rule
- Added a Tacro 4595 Log Log Duplex... similar to the Micador 530 and the Kent 9680.
- Added Pickett N4p-ES Vector Type Log Log Dual Base Speed Rule 5".
- Replaced cursor runners on K&E 4139 Cooke Radio Rule serial no. 979921 because of serious KERCS issues. Re-scanned repaired rule and replaced old images with new.
- Replaced missing cursor window on K&E 4093-3 serial no.548954, re-scanned repaired rule and replaced old images with new.
- Removed images and documentation for K&E 4090-3 serial no. 385485, which was basically acquired as a 'parts' rule anyway.
- Replaced broken cursor window and missing cursor screw on a Geotec 341 3012 Versalog II; re-scanned repaired rule and replaced old images with new.
- Added images of newer and cleaner example of the Weil Polylog (Diwa) 1140.
- Corrected mistakes in physical description of Teknor Gymnasium 1081
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for 'The Slide Rule and Technical Problem Solving', by Leach & Beakley, 1963, 3rd printing 1966.
- Added cover image and Table of Contents for 'Slide Rule Operations' by Dana Sudborough and Harold Zeoli, 1953, revised 1954, reprinted 1955.
- Added a Hemmi 258 also marked as Post Versalog 1460!
- Added an Aristo 971 Hyperbolog; same as the 0971 but with metal end braces.
- Added a Logarex 27729 rule, which is apparently used to make conversions between power and voltage, decibels and nepers, etc.
- Added a K&E 4181-1 with an SRT instead of an ST scale, and with red colored inverted and LL0 scales.
- Added a Bulgarian rule identified by the anglicized descriptor 'Vetoli"; a log log hyperbolic duplex rule.
- Added a Russian LFAI 'Metro Irrigation' hydraulic rule of some kind, apparently calculates flow characteristics in channels.
- Added second example of an Aristo 0968 Studio. This one with T1 and T2 scales instead of only a single T scale
- Added a Faber Castell 62/83N Castell Novo Duplex 5"
- Added a Dietzgen G-1734 Microglide Decimal Trig Log Log, probably made by Aristo.
- Added a Uto 0930U branded "Chemstrand"
- Added a Faber Castell 62/82N and a Grizzle Orifice Meter Calculating Rule (probably made by Lawrence Engineering?)
- Added a Nestler 33 Chemiker
- Added a Pickett N3p-ES 5 inch Power Log Exponential Log Log Dual Base
- Added a Hemmi 149A 5 inch rule; shorter version of the Hemmi 259.
- Added a Nestler 5 inch 0130 Multimath Duplex (same scale set as Nestler 0292, just shorter)
- Added an Engineer's 1510; same as a Relay/Ricoh 151 (but with what is probably a Versalog cursor, added by a prior owner!)
- Added a Pickett Model 1084 Resistance Design Slide Rule, apparently used by telephone company technicians in the 1950s.
- Added a Spring Design Slide Rule from Mid-Continent Spring Co., of St. Louis,MO. Prob. made by Acu-Rule.
- Abandoned my previous approach of putting a date on individual 'new' or 'updated' entries on the "All the Rules" and "Specialty Rules" pages in favor of just using this "What's New" page. Much less work for me and probably just as good for the viewer.
- Moved the Grizzle Water line Capacity Slide Rule from the "Unknown Manufacturer" category to "Grizzle". Still don't know the actual manufacturer, just trying to be consistent in the way I've listed various rules.
- Added Mear's Ducting Calculator for Heating, Ventilation, and Pneumatic Handling, etc.